Monday, October 31, 2011

Meet Your Bloggers

For all of those unanswered questions you've been dying to ask, but didn't know where to start...

An interesting opportunity came along recently, and Maureen and I were given the chance to answer some questions about ourselves and our favorite avocation. The resulting interview is up at Pocketchange, where we shared our thoughts and did our best to represent the birding community competently. I can't say I completely agree with all of the editor's praise in her introductory paragraph, but I'm not about to complain about it either. We hope you enjoy getting to know us better!


  1. Very cool. Glad I found this blog. Your combined reasons for birding are similar to mine... beginning with identifying random creatures and then through photography using birds as subjects. Party on!

  2. Great article! Way to represent the birding community!

  3. Thank you all for your comments! We're happy to know that our answers resonated
