Brewer's Blackbird |
Female Yellow-Headed Blackbird |
We awoke to the haunting, mechanical sounds of the Yellow-Headed Blackbirds. And as we stepped out of our teepee to enjoy our cold, quick breakfast before heading out, we noticed some movement in the hot springs pond behind us. There were two lovely American Avocets lurking in the foggy mist blanketing the pond. We gazed upon them as they elegantly swished there slender up-turned bills to and fro in search of food.
We were already off to a great start and couldn’t wait to get out and really get our marathon birding in. Once again, Highway 205 gave us some cool birds on our drive to the refuge headquarters. Using our car as a moving blind, we were able to get some nice up close views of Willets and a Long-Billed Curlew out in the fields along the road. I never cease to be impressed by their long, curved bills that could seem so cumbersome, but yet is wielded with such poise.
Warbling Vireo |
Cabbage White on Lilacs |
Common Nighthawk |
We moved on just a little bit farther down the path to find another crowd forming to view a Great Horned Owl that was nesting in a tower on top of a hill. Even one of the fuzzball babies made an appearance later on taking a look at all the fuss of birders.
Great-horned Owl |
Mountain Cottontail |
We continued on our way to check out some new spots around the refuge, including P Ranch where we saw a very uncommon Least Flycatcher that had previously been spotted. It did its distinctive “che-bek” call. We also picked up our first state Bobolinks there!
Mourning Cloak |
Black-tailed or Mule Deer |
Abandoned Swallow nest under a low foot bridge |
We then moved on to Page Springs Campground and were inundated with half a dozen Yellow-breasted Chats! This was quite unusual, for us anyway, as we usually only see (or hear) one, maybe two, in one place. It was otherwise pretty quiet there, so we started making our way back to our home base, making what we thought might be some quick pit stops.
Yellow-Breasted Chat |
House Wren |
Likely a Montane Vole? Or maybe Long-Tailed Vole? |
We had heard that there were sightings for Short-Eared Owls in a field just off what was called “The Narrows.” We staked out the area for quite some time, enjoying the sights of some Say’s Phoebe. We were close to giving up after about 30 minutes of scanning the large open fields with no luck. But then, we saw our target bird! A Short-Eared Owl glided like a Northern Harrier over the grassland in search of prey as dusk was coming upon us. Whenever it would land, it seemed to just disappear in the tall grass. But for a few heavenly moments, it landed on a perch just above the grass line. It was a glorious 5 minutes or so as we looked so intently on this beautiful owl that we had only
previously seen in the dead of night with a flashlight.
Say's Phoebe |
We just couldn’t tear ourselves away watching this gorgeous owl through our scope. And just as we were feeling so fulfilled by this sighting, a Long-Eared Owl decided to join in the game… Incredible! This was also a lifer for us, so we lingered even longer as the light faded because this was just too amazing to step away from. They seemed to be content circling in their own patches of the grassland, but at one point, they did come face-to-face in a little, very short-lived tussle.
Short-Eared Owl |
White Pelican flock |
It was getting darker by the minute, so we decided it was finally time to jet to get back to our teepee to revel in another amazing day at the refuge. Malheur had other plans for us, though. We stopped at a tiny little pond in front of a large group of very loud cattle to find 36 Wilson’s Phalaropes swirling and whirling away! They not only fed upon whatever was in the water, but they would also look up and snap their bills at the bugs flying around them, catching them like Mr. Miyagi with flies. These gorgeous birds were in their full breeding plumage that we could barely appreciate as darkness was coming upon us and we were pushing the light-gathering capabilities of our optics to the max. Finally, it was time to go, but what a way to end the day!
Wilson's Phalarope |
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